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Stripes and body graphics installation. (Wet method)

Materials you will need:

1. Vinyl graphics
2. Soap (liquid dish soap or baby shampoo)
3. Water
4. Spray bottle
5. Squeegee, bondo spreader, or credit card
6. Clean lint-free cloth

Step 1: Prepare the Surface
Ensure that the surface where you will be applying the vinyl graphics is clean and free of dust, dirt, and debris.
Use a mild cleaner if necessary, and allow the surface to dry completely before proceeding.

Step 2: Create the Soapy Solution
Fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of soap or baby shampoo. Alternatively, you can mix the
soap and water in a small container.

Step 3: Apply the Soapy Solution
Spray the soapy solution directly onto the adhesive side of the vinyl graphics. Ensure that the entire surface is
evenly coated with the solution. This will help create a slippery surface for easy positioning and adjustment of
the vinyl.

Step 4: Wet the Surface
Spray the soapy solution onto the surface where you'll be applying the vinyl graphics. The soap and water
mixture will allow you to slide and reposition the graphics until you achieve the desired placement.

Step 5: Peel the Vinyl Graphics
Carefully peel the backing off the vinyl graphics, exposing the adhesive side. Take care not to touch the
adhesive surface to avoid leaving fingerprints or residue.

Step 6: Apply the Vinyl Graphics
Place the adhesive side of the vinyl graphics onto the wet surface. The soap and water mixture will allow you to
slide and reposition the graphics until you achieve the desired placement.

Step 7: Position and Smooth
Use your hands or a squeegee to gently position the vinyl graphics, ensuring it aligns properly with the surface.
Start from the center and work your way outward, smoothing out any air bubbles or wrinkles as you go. If you
don't have a squeegee, a credit card can be used as an alternative.

Step 8: Remove Excess Water and Air Bubbles
Once the vinyl graphics are positioned correctly, use a squeegee or credit card to remove any excess water
and air bubbles. Start from the center and work your way outward, applying firm and even pressure. Be careful
not to apply too much pressure, which could damage the vinyl.

Step 9: Dry and Finalize
After removing excess water and air bubbles, use a clean lint-free cloth to gently dry the surface and ensure
the vinyl graphics adhere properly. Pay attention to the edges and corners to ensure a secure bond.

Allow the vinyl graphics to dry completely before subjecting them to any stress or exposure to water.